ANVIL EXPRESS® Render/Animator highlights include -
Accepts STL, 3DS/ASC and DXF files from surface or solid modelling, and not just from ANVIL EXPRESS itself !
Supplied complete with a library of materials and finishes which can be user-customised, and expanded to match product colour schemes.

Camera position, orientation, focal length, and target all mouse-controlled.
Objects can be moved freely, along a screen axis, or around an object axis.
Reads both open and closed meshes.
Object axes can be relocated to simulate true mechanical motion.
Linking heirarchies can be added to objects, to produce collective and compound movement in assemblies.

'Motion freeze' insertion and multi-font labelling function help to create instructional or promotional material.
Backgrounds may be single colour, single image, or animated sequences.
Animation sequences can be wholly or partially expanded, or edited.
Animations can be saved as AVI or FLC files, or sequential bitmap files.
Supports bump-mapping, image-reflection, and pattern-mapping in plane, cylindrical, and spherical modes.
Colour control of both ambient and movable directional light, which can be camera- or space-locked.